Star Raiders


20 tons
Production Year-2475.

An early light mech design, the Flea is a fast and agile mech. Having minimal armament and armor, it is not suited to fight anything bigger than other light mechs, small vehicles, and infantry. Still, an entire lance of Fleas can threaten even larger mechs.


30 tons
Production Year-3063.

A mech designed to replace the Jenner, the Osiris carries the same weapons as the mech it is trying to succeed. With its jump jets and speed, this mech can outpace any larger opponent. But its pilot must be aware that the mech they are in is still lightly armored and can’t take more substantial hits than a medium laser or two.


35 tons
Production Year-3048.

A great light support mech, the Raven is usually equipped with various electronic warfare equipment that can aid it and its lance mates to either sneak around enemy positions undetected, scramble the enemy radar, or scout out and report enemy movement without being detected.


35 tons
Production Year-3052.

This mech is a quintessential light mech hunter. With its all-energy loadout, it can operate far from its supply line and hunt enemy light mechs without its pilot needing to worry about ammunition consumption. In pairs, Wolfhounds can bring down much larger opponents without much trouble if the pilots know what they are doing.


35 tons
Production Year-2784.

An excellent light mech, the Jenner design focuses on its strong points where it counts. Fast and agile, so the enemy can’t catch it, and with enough of a punch to make enemy light mechs think twice before giving chase. It has to be said that the Jenner looks weird at first glance and does not look like any other light mech around. This can be attributed to its weird squat body, cockpit that hangs over the front, and humanoid leg design, where reverse joint legs would be present on most other light mechs with similar features.


35 tons
Production Year-3058.

A light Clan design that can be taken as one of the most armed light mechs ever. The Cougar has enough weapons to take on medium battlements one-on-one and still come out on top. Its speed is low for a light mech, but with great jump jets, it can still overcome obstacles or retreat in haste if the odds are not in the pilot’s favor.


45 tons
Production Year-3058.

Originally a 35-ton light mech design, the Hollander was upgraded to the Hollander II by adding 10 tons to the chassis, thus making it a medium mech. Its main weapon is a gauss rifle that can snipe enemy targets at ranges where the enemy’s weapons could never reach the Hollander II. This is why this mech excels at being a long-range sniper and taking out its opponents at extreme distances.


50 tons
Production Year-2572.

The perfect mech for city fighting, the Hunchback carries a massive AC-20 autocannon on its shoulder that it can use to blow apart even heavy mechs in a few hits. Its great armor allows this mech to close the range with its opponents so that it may utilize its massive armament to the best effect.

HELLHOUND (Conjurer)​

50 tons
Production Year-2829.

A great mix of guns, speed, and armor makes this mech perfect for any situation. A front-line combat unit or a nasty hunter-killer, few mechs can run from a pack of Hellhounds once they have their trail.


55 tons
Production Year-2520.

The Dervish is a good medium fire support mech. An armament of two LRM-10s can deal damage to any targets that are out of range of its smaller weapons. But even up close, the dervish has two SRM-2s and two medium lasers, making the mech a formidable opponent at any range.


55 tons, Class-Medium, Production Year-3053.

With its narrow profile and squat stance, the Bushwacker is the perfect ambush unit. Its mix of weapons can be detrimental to itself as no two weapons share the same range bracket. Making the Bushwacker dangerous but also not really effective at all ranges.


60 tons
Production Year-2963.

A feared fire support mech, the Vulture, is armed to the teeth with weapons. Its only downside is the lack of ammo for its two LRM-20s, this downside is somewhat remedied with the two large and two medium plus lasers equipped on its arms.


60 tons
Production Year-3050.

An excellent trooper mech, the Grand Dragon, combines good firepower and exceptional speed with modest armor to create a great and cheap mass-production mech. A Grand Dragon with its ER PPC is dangerous on its own, but in pairs, these mechs can take on any task.


60 tons
Production Year-2602.

An ancient Star League design, the Champion is neither the most armed nor armored heavy mech, but its speed is nothing to scoff at. Refitted models might be a bit lackluster regarding armament, but the few Champions that survive with their Star League-era weapons are not to be underestimated.


65 tons
Production Year-2561.

The quintessential LRM support mech, the Catapult might be one of the most straightforward designs ever. The two LRM-15s provide great long-range firepower, while the four medium lasers are enough to deter any would-be light mech harassers. The only downside to this mech that should be mentioned is its distinct lack of arms. Thus close-quarters engagements should not be attempted if the pilot values their life.


65 tons
Production Year-2491.

The Thunderbolt design is a jack of all trades. Having effective weapons at long and close range, enough armor to resist a severe beatdown, and speed that’s perfectly acceptable for a heavy design. The Thunderbolt has no inherent downsides other than its cockpit being mounted off-center and not all pilots being used to this feature.


70 tons
Production Year-2474.

Like the Catapult, the Archer is an LRM support mech. But even though it was designed and made before the Catapult, it fixes one of the Catapult’s main weaknesses. That is the addition of two huge battlefist-like arms. Making the Archer dangerous at long range and really dangerous up close.


70 tons
Production Year-3056.

An Inner Sphere heavy design made after reverse engineering a clan Vulture, the Avatar is an overall powerful heavy mech. Mounting a mix of high-caliber weapons and possessing speed rarely seen in this tonnage rage, the Avatar is a capable and dangerous heavy mech.

MAD CAT (Timber Wolf)

75 tons
Production Year-2945.

Sometimes said to be one of not the best heavy mech designs, the Mad Cat is bristling with weapons of all calibers and sizes, in addition to having enough armor to face assault mechs without much of a problem. The Mad Cat offers a perfect blend of armor, weapons, and speed at the heavy-weight class.


80 tons
Production Year-2665.

Armored to the max and with three PPC at its disposal, the Awesome is proving its namesake by being an awesome assault mech to pilot but never to face. The PPC is a feared weapon, but when three are mounted in an armored body like the Awesomes, it can dish out continued damage from the backlines.


85 tons
Production Year-2594.

A massive armed behemoth, the Stalker, is built for one purpose, and that is to mount as many weapons as possible and support its lance mates with huge volleys of fire. In a way, the Stalker can be seen as a massive walking gun platform with at least two or more weapons for any range bracket.


90 tons
Production Year-2592.

The Highlander is one of the most well-known Star League Defense Force assault Mechs. It is usually used as a command mech for lance or company leader for its commanding battlefield stance and excellent weapons. Mounting a gauss rifle in its arm, this assault mech can take on most, if not all, types of opponents and still come out on top.


90 tons
Production Year-3048.

A literal wall of guns, the Mauler is great at giving large amounts of direct fire support to its lance mates. Its slow speed and relatively light armor for its weight leave something to be desired. But in a way, the Mauler is not meant to be the first mech to enter combat and should be used as heavy support and not a battering ram.


90 tons
Production Year-3056.

Looking like a walking bunker, the Sunder is a feared foe on the battlefield. Armed with large and destructive weapons, the Sunder can bring down any opponent with a few shots from its massive arsenal. Lacking hands, the mech does tend to have problems when in a close-quarter environment, but usually, its weapons are enough for most opponents to keep their distance.


100 tons
Production Year-2755.

The Atlas, or the Deaths head as some like to call this monster of a machine, might be one of the most feared mechs ever to exist. Its incredible armor and weapon arsenal might be the cause of this. But more often than not, it’s the sheer presence of this machine that makes pilots freeze in place as they see death staring them down before it tears them to pieces.

DAISHI (Dire Wolf)​

100 tons
Production Year-3010.

The Atlas might hold the title of the most feared mech ever, but even the Atlas pilots would think twice before engaging a Daishi in open combat. Although having the same weight and armor as the Atlas, the Daishi has even more deadly weapons at its disposal. Nothing less than a full lance of heavy or Assault mechs would be needed to bring down a Daishi with a capable pilot behind its controls.


100 tons
Class- Assault
Production Year- 2755

The Atlas, or the Deaths head as some like to call this monster of a machine, might be one of the most feared mechs ever to exist. Its incredible armor and weapon arsenal might be the cause of this. But more often than not, it’s the sheer presence of this machine that makes pilots freeze in place as they see death staring them down before it tears them to pieces.

DAISHI (Dire Wolf)

100 tons
Class- Assault
Production Year- 3010

The Atlas might hold the title of the most feared mech ever, but even the Atlas pilots would think twice before engaging a Daishi in open combat. Although having the same weight and armor as the Atlas, the Daishi has even more deadly weapons at its disposal. Nothing less than a full lance of heavy or Assault mechs would be needed to bring down a Daishi with a capable pilot behind its controls.